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Feb 01, 2023

4 Reasons Why Care at Home Services Really Make A Difference

nurse providing care for elderly patient to show reasons why care at home services make a difference

For families, arranging healthcare services for a loved one is often an emotional and turbulent experience, particularly if their relative is likely to need extended periods of care in a hospital or care home. A care at home service, however, means a patient can remain in familiar and comfortable surroundings while receiving the expert medical treatment and home help that she or he needs to retain a degree of independence.


Despite the challenges in deciding whether a care at home service will meet the needs of the patient, there are compelling benefits for everyone concerned in arranging domiciliary care.

The Familiarity Of Home

For many older adults, including those with cognitive impairment or dementia, being cared for at home provides important psychological benefits and mental stimulation. Many later-life patients may have lived in their home for decades, so there will be positive memories, such as bringing up a family, which can support mental health and wellbeing. Care at Home also enables couples to remain together, without the healthier or more able partner having to assume the burden of responsibility.

A Fully Flexible Plan

A Care at Home plan is fully flexible and designed specifically to meet the unique needs of each patient. The plan will take account of the living circumstances, medical needs, and the wishes of both the patient and the family and make recommendations about any changes that need to be made to make independent living more sustainable. The Care at Home plan will form the bedrock of the patient’s ongoing care and ensure consistency and communication between nursing staff and family members.

A 24/7 Service

A Care at Home service will ensure that the patient’s needs are met at any time of day or night and will adapt to changing circumstances when needed. From short, regular visits to ensure medication is taken, the patient is washed and changed, and meals are available, to overnight or long-term residential nursing care, the service is designed to be responsive and flexible, so families can be reassured that their loved ones are always cared for.

Highly Trained Professional Support

An elderly Care at Home service is provided by highly trained nursing professionals who have acquired many years of experience of supporting patients with an array of healthcare and personal needs in different settings. With the patient in the comfort of their own home, nurses will be able to focus on providing exceptional care, without having to balance the demands and challenges of working in a hospital. This can help to forge a positive relationship with the patient and increase the likelihood that the Care at Home plan will work in the long-term.

Contact Kingdom For High-Quality Nursing Staff For Domiciliary Care

Kingdom Medical Services is a leading provider of professional qualified nurses for patients who require expert care in the comfort of their own home.

To find out more, please call us on 0330 022 9422 and our team will be delighted to help.

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Image Source: Canva

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