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Jun 28, 2023

Retail Shops: Can You Afford Not To Have Trained Security Guards Protecting Your Stores?

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When you’re appointing staff to work in your shop, your priority will probably be to ensure you have experienced and friendly retail assistants who will deliver outstanding service to customers and earn your business a glowing reputation. Security staff may not be top of your list, but with shoplifting on the increase, can you afford to neglect your retail security services and allow criminals an easy way to profit from your business?

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The Soaring Problem Of Retail Crime

Statistics reveal that there are more than 600,000 crimes against businesses each year in the UK, and the retail sector is by no means immune. Shops and retail staff are regularly subjected to a variety of crimes, including shoplifting and theft, vandalism, abuse and assault, arson, and antisocial behaviour – and it’s a problem that is only getting worse. In 2022, over 295,000 incidents of shoplifting were reported to police in England and Wales, a rise of nearly one-quarter in 2021, with both small independent shops and large chains equally affected.

Word of mouth may be beneficial for attracting new customers to your shop, but it can also benefit criminals too. Stores that are known to be a soft touch will quickly become known amongst the criminal community, leading to more thefts that could cripple your business.

The Benefits Of Retail Security Guards

When hiring security personnel for your shop, it’s vital that you choose well-qualified, experienced, and professional guards who will perform their duties diligently. Retail security staff can protect and futureproof your business by:

  • Identifying suspects before they have a chance to commit a crime in your shop by spotting unusual or suspicious behaviour.

  • Detain offenders before they leave the shop after committing a crime.

  • Liaise with the police to ensure that criminals are arrested, and that evidence, such as CCTV footage, is provided.

  • Intervene when disputes occur between customers and staff and de-escalate situations to prevent more serious incidents from occurring.

  • Protect retail staff when conducting cash collections from tills.

  • Relieve staff of security responsibilities so they can focus on delivering exceptional customer service.

  • Provide a friendly welcome to legitimate customers and provide advice or information when required.

Above all, an effective security presence will ensure that your shop doesn’t become an easy target for criminals, discouraging perpetrators of crime from targeting your business, and ensuring the retail environment is safe for customers and staff alike.

Contact Kingdom Security For More Information

At Kingdom Security, we are a leading UK security company which provides professional and reliable guards to retail businesses across the country. To find out more, please call us on 0330 022 9422 or send us a message.

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Image Source: Canva

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