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May 18, 2023

What To Consider When Hiring An Outsourced Cleaner for Your University

A university lecture hall that would need cleaning by an outsourced university cleaner.

University campuses are enormous places comprising of student accommodation, lecture theatres, laboratories, catering facilities, libraries, and social venues. With thousands of students and staff living and working on the site every day, it’s crucial to keep buildings in a clean and safe condition. However, hiring your own cleaning staff can be a complex and time-consuming challenge. 

The benefits of outsourcing cleaning services to a specialist provider, such as Kingdom, are many, but the bottom line is that experienced and highly trained staff will work diligently to achieve the highest standards while recruitment, wages, performance management, and back-office administration will be handled on your behalf.


Key Considerations When Outsourcing Your University Cleaning

When you’re hiring a cleaning service provider for your university or college, what are the main things to consider?

1. Experience And Qualifications

Contrary to popular opinion, cleaning is not an easy number. Effective cleaning takes time, dedication, and resilience – as well as expert knowledge. When you’re choosing an outsourced cleaning provider for your campus, look for a company who has experience of commercial cleaning, particularly in educational facilities, and prides itself on the depth of its staff training. Internationally respected ISO certifications are also a compelling sign of service quality.

2. Committed To Safeguarding

Cleaners will need to access private areas of the university campus, such as student toilets, showers, and changing rooms, so it is imperative that the cleaning provider is committed to thorough safeguarding procedures. Find out whether cleaners are individually security checked and what enquiries are made into their work history to ensure they have no serious criminal convictions, unexplained gaps in their employment, or disciplinary incidents that could suggest they pose a danger to young adults.

3. Reputation

Positive client feedback and references are signs of a high-quality and reliable service. Checking their reputation with other customers, particularly schools, colleges, or universities, will give you valuable insight into the quality of their work and professionalism and help you determine if they will be a good fit for your needs.

4. Communication And Availability

Different parts of your university campus will need to be cleaned at different times of day to fit in with the life and work of students and staff. The cleaning company should be flexible in their timing and committed to keeping you informed about changes to their schedule so that you can plan accordingly.

5. Consideration For Others

Cleaners must be committed to carrying out their work in a way that doesn’t disrupt the learning environment and allows staff and students to go about their days unhindered.

Contact Kingdom To Book Your University Cleaning Team

To find out more about Kingdom’s cleaning services for universities and colleges, please contact us today on 0330 022 9422 or send us an enquiry.

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Image Source: Canva

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