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Mar 10, 2022

Deep cleaning in the workplace in the time of COVID-19

As we’ve progressed throughout the pandemic, professional cleaning services have been at the forefront, ensuring offices and other premises in various sectors are safe for use. From one-way systems to enhanced protection, cleaning standards have been raised across the board and deep cleans have been introduced more frequently.


office deep cleaning


Now, enhanced cleaning services that may have once been requested seasonally are becoming more commonplace. Responsible firms are now doing everything they can to reassure their employees and other stakeholders that business can continue as usual.


Recognising the need for deep cleans

Rigorous cleaning regimes that focus on high and low traffic areas are now being deployed each time there’s a confirmed case of COVID-19. This is where the individual has been in close contact with a premises, such as working from the location as an employee or entering as a visitor. 

The most conscious companies may also choose to deploy deep cleans to heighten standards and prevent positive cases regardless of an incident.

In these cases, cleaners will take even more precautions, using new chemicals to eradicate the virus from all surfaces and paying attention to areas that aren’t in the remit of a regular clean for complete peace of mind.


What’s involved in deep cleaning and purpose-built cleaning regimes for COVID

Of course, while professional cleaners always follow government guidance on cleaning when it changes, service providers may also launch their regimes in response. 

For Kingdom Cleaning, this is our safer ATP testing regime that champions Adenosine Triphosphate testing (ATP) along with these five fundamental principles: 

Swab of key touchpoints, risk areas and high traffic areas
Analysis of swab results using ATP technology
Formulation of a tailored plan, methodology and cleaning regime based on the results
Execute the plan, with focused cleaning of areas showing higher biological residues
Repeat monitoring and adjustments for continuous improvements and high-risk areas

With ATP testing, our cleaners can take a scientific, data-driven approach to cleaning, understanding from the testing of an energy molecule whether surfaces are sufficiently clean. The results also inform our strategy, giving organisations a long-term vision of their cleaning needs.

Karolina Rigby, Operations Manager at Kingdom Cleaning, says:

“The data and science-led insight that SAFER delivers ensures that daily cleaning and hygiene routines are enhanced according to need. Cleaning teams are able to identify bacteria ‘hot spots’ and build in additional measures to their processes. This not only allows them to prove cleanliness levels to customers but also constantly improve their methods.

"In a hygiene-conscious world, customers want to know that their premises are safe and COVID-secure. If we can deliver excellent cleans and prove their efficacy with hard data, we can ease their concerns and give them the confidence to thrive once again.”

Using data-driven deep cleans to ensure enterprises can continue to evolve

Although much of COVID-19 cleaning is reactive — through taking appropriate measures when positive cases are highlighted — the largest organisations can decrease interruptions to their business with deep cleaning services as a cornerstone of their COVID-19 strategy. 

This enhanced level of cleaning can reassure important clients, push prospects over the line, win over contracts, instil confidence in their communities and have a real scientific impact on the rate of infection inside their premises. Plus, with more visibility over their office’s cleanliness data, cleaning strategies can prove more scalable if there’s an expansion on the horizon. 

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