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How Commerical Cleaning For Retail Will Benefit Your Business

Written by Kingdom | Mar 28, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The importance of cleanliness and hygiene in retail environments should not be overlooked by business owners: dirty shops drive consumers away, with more than 60 per cent admitting that they avoid stores that aren’t visibly clean.

By choosing professional commercial cleaning for your shop, you can create an attractive and pleasant retail environment in which customers will be pleased to browse and, most importantly, they’ll be encouraged to return in future.

1. A Healthier, Safer Environment

Professional commercial retail cleaning is fundamental to maintain a safe working environment for staff. Employees with respiratory condition or allergies could be adversely affected by an unclean workplace, resulting in sickness absence that costs your business money and time.

Thorough cleaning also reduces the risk of accidents occurring to staff and customers: spillages or loose debris can result in trips and slips, while a build-up of rubbish in store rooms, such as packaging, poses a fire risk or may impede emergency exits. And, in the post pandemic period in which Covid-19 is still a prevalent threat – as well as other bacteria and viruses – it’s vital that store furniture and toilets are kept in immaculate condition.

2. Unrivalled Quality

The presentation of your shop, from the entrance to the checkout, can impact on customers’ perceptions. Any suggestion of dirt can be off-putting, and few customers are prepared to purchase products that are in any way substandard.

Commercial retail cleaning will deliver a dedicated deep clean that enhances the retail environment and creates a pleasant ambience for staff and customers. Your brand doesn’t need to be upmarket or associated with luxury to exude an attractive and persuasive atmosphere: professional cleaners will understand how to project the right image to bring more consumers through your door.

3. A Cost-Effective Service That’s Good For Business

While it may be tempting to ask your own staff to carry out your store’s cleaning, this could be a costly decision in the long-term that drives customers away. Your team are skilled salespeople, not cleaners, so they are unlikely to achieve the same results as a professional retail store cleaning team. Also, by removing them from their retail duties, you’ll have less staff to serve customers or replenish the shelves. If long queues develop, your business’s reputation may suffer.

Professional cleaners will get the job done, to a higher standard more quickly, and will work around your business’s priorities and opening times, so your customers don’t need to negotiate an obstacle course of buckets and mops when they’re shopping.

Contact Kingdom For More Information

At Kingdom, our commercial cleaning services can help to keep your retail outlet in pristine condition. As a provider of carbon neutral cleaning, our retail store cleaning services are designed to protect the Earth and your business’s reputation.

To find out more, please contact us today on 0330 022 9422.

Image Source: Canva