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Jun 19, 2023

Martyn's Law - How Does It Affect Your Security Around Permanent Hospitality Venues?

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The UK has long been a target for acts of terrorism, with atrocities usually carried out in crowded places where victims are less likely to anticipate an attack or to be protected against serious injury or death. In permanent hospitality venues, therefore, where large groups of people gather, robust security is essential to mitigate the risk of a terrorist outrage, but it can be challenging for security managers to determine how effective their countermeasures are.

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Now, new legislation, Martyn’s Law, will soon come into effect to improve safety and security in crowded places in the UK. In this article, we’ll explain what this means for hospitality venues.

What Is Martyn’s Law?

Martyn Hett was a 29-year-old PR manager from Altrincham when he was killed, with 21 others, in the Manchester Arena bombing of 2017. The subsequent public enquiry described many shortcomings in event security and the emergency response; Martyn’s Law aims to ensure high-capacity venues are more prepared for terrorist incidents and that security measures are more consistent and effective.

Public venues, including those in the hospitality sector, will be required, under law, to:

  • Consider the threat of terrorism through comprehensive risk assessments: an ‘it-won’t-happen-to-us’ attitude will no longer be acceptable.
  • Implement proportionate countermeasures to reduce the risk of a terrorist attack; actions will depend on the size of the venue and the activities that occur there.
  • Ensure that adequate preparation is put in place to respond to a terrorist incident, should it occur.
  • Enhance protection by improving security systems, processes, and staff training.

Which Hospitality Venues Will Be Covered By Martyn’s Law?

The new legislation will apply to all venues where ‘qualifying activities’ take place, including leisure, entertainment, food and drink, and culture.

Qualifying hospitality venues are defined as:

  • A building, or a collection of buildings, with a defined boundary
  • Sites where a qualifying activity takes place
  • The maximum occupancy of the site meets a specified threshold (either 100 or 800 people which will affect the level of security required)

What Measures Will Hospitality Venue Managers Need To Conduct?

To comply with Martyn’s Law, the owners or security managers of permanent hospitality venues will need to:

  1. Conduct risk assessments to identify and evaluate threats, design effective countermeasures, and ensure staff are appropriately trained and equipped.
  2. Develop resilient security plans which outline comprehensive, multi-layered actions to protect guests, staff, and assets from terrorism.
  3. Deliver staff training to ensure potential threats are identified promptly and that appropriate actions are taken.
  4. Implement security measures to neutralise threats before they pose a substantial risk to public safety.
  5. Review and update procedures to ensure that emerging terrorist threats are countered, and site vulnerabilities are addressed promptly.

At Kingdom, we provide reliable, trustworthy, and trained security personnel who will prioritise identifying and neutralising potential threats. By arranging for Kingdom security staff to monitor your premises, you can invest your time and energy into delivering a first-class service for your guests.

Contact Us To Find Out More

If you want to find out more about reviewing your organisation’s security arrangements and how to strengthen protection to ensure your venue complies with Martyn’s Law, please click here to get in touch or call Kingdom Security today on 0330 022 9422.

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Image Source: Canva

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