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Mar 27, 2014

Introducing Kingdom’s dedicated retail security division

retail-security-twoKingdom is an established retail specialist with a dedicated retail division, with services ranging from a basic retail officer door presence to a fully managed risk and loss prevention service. They provide retail security services to stores, retail parks and shopping centres. This includes shopping centre CCTV operations, store re-fit and refurbishment, covert surveillance and store detectives, loss prevention managers and civil recovery and litigation.


Kingdom works in partnership with some of the biggest names in retail, including IKEA and SPAR, to reduce shrinkage and provide a return on investment (ROI). Kingdom knows that retail security is a very different type of service provision with a wide range of challenges which require a specialist company with quality people to combat crime hot spots and provide innovative methods of loss reduction, without compromising service delivery to your footfall.

Kingdom seeks to understand the wider goals of a business. It then uses this information to develop a future roadmap of investment that reflects those goals, as well as potential losses and threats posed to your business. From this roadmap, Kingdom builds a team with a tailored image to match your retail environment.

Kingdom has over 20 years experience in the security industry, and is the UK’s largest privately owned security company. Their National Support Centre and regional support offices provide Kingdom’s clients with a wealth of local and national management expertise, and all our retail teams are supported by a dedicated management team with considerable experience of the retail world.

To learn more about Kingdom’s retail security services, please visit the retail security page on the Kingdom website, or read Kingdom’s Retail & Shopping Centre Division online brochure.

Kingdom - Security Large CTAs

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