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Jan 13, 2022

Kingdom LAS and Dartford Borough Council investigate almost 500 fly tip incidents in one year

At Kingdom Local Authority Support we are passionate about preventing environmental crime and tackling environmental issues within local authorities. We were incredibly proud when one of our customers, Dartford Borough Council, announced that our team had investigated 463 litter and fly tip incidents throughout the last 12 months whilst working for them. This staggering figure shows the amount of litter and fly-tipping that would have gone under the radar if it wasn't for our partnership and the teams hard work.

The figures revealed that our team at Dartford Borough Council issued 42 fly tipping fixed penalty notices or fines at £400 each from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 - totalling £16,800 in fines altogether.

This is in addition to a further £2,129 in fines which were given out to Dartford fly tip offenders at court during the same time period. The total for FPNs and court fines is £18,929. 

Furthermore, one person on conviction at court received a 12 months with 100 hours unpaid work attached community service order. Two other people that failed to appear before the court had warrants issued by the court for their arrest and detention in order to be placed before the court to answer the alleged fly tip charges according to Dartford Borough Council's environmental enforcement team.

These fly-tipping incidences along with the offenders would not have been caught without the incredible technology that we are able to offer our customers. We work with WasteWatch to offer state of the art CCTV with build in AI technology that can be placed in problem areas like Dartford Borough Council have done. These cameras act not only as a deterrent but they are a cost effective way to monitor fly-tipping and to record essential evidence. To find out more about how our CCTVs can help your local authority then get in touch with us today. 

These are incredible results for Dartford Borough Council as this money can be put back into the councils environmental services and will help at a time where money across council services is stretched. We at Kingdom Local Authority Support are proud that our team has been able to help improve local areas and educate those who choose to ignore the law and leave their rubbish in our green spaces. 

News and photos from This is local London  


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