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Apr 23, 2015

Kingdom praised for fast cleanup after major shopping centre fire

clip_image002[1]Kingdom’s cleaning division had to move fast recently following a major fire at the car park of the Churchill Square Shopping Centre in Brighton, where Kingdom provides daily and periodic cleaning services, car park cleaning services, pest control services, window cleaning services and hygiene services.

Late in the afternoon on Saturday 4th April during the recent Easter Bank Holiday Weekend, Sue Kipling, Kingdom’s Centre Cleaning Manager at the shopping centre, notified Kingdom’s Cleaning Division Support Centre that there had been a major fire in the car parks of the shopping centre causing extensive damage to the fabric of the building as well as a number of vehicles, and requested urgent support to help with the cleanup operation.

Kingdom’s Cleaning Division’s Operations Director Peter Simpson immediately put in a call to Special Projects Manager Dennis Charlton (who had his mobile on as always) requesting operatives to assist in the cleanup operation to ensure minimum disruption of trading at the centre prior to opening. Dennis rose to the occasion as usual by mobilising a team at very short notice to attend the shopping centre early on Easter Sunday morning along with Peter Simpson himself to assess the fire damage and clean up requirements.

Dennis and his team pulled out all the stops to choose the correct industrial equipment and to coordinate and carefully plan the operation. They had to deal with extensive fire and smoke damage, both to vehicles and to a whole level of a very large car park which had been completely closed down and isolated for safety reasons.

Following the incident, the JLL Operations Manager at the Churchill Square Shopping Centre, Ann Marie Docherty, emailed Kingdom saying:

“Can I please pass on the thanks of JLL and SLI to all of you, they are very impressed by how we handled the entire situation, how quickly we evaluated the situation and how quickly we evacuated the site. Great big thanks from me, you and your teams were outstanding!” 

Commenting on the operation, Kingdom’s Cleaning Division’s Operations Director Peter Simpson said:

“To have managers such as Dennis Charlton who can mobilise staff and have the experience and knowledge to deal with any emergency, whether it is a fire or a flood, not only locally but nationally is very important in our industry and to Kingdom. This side of our business should never be ignored, as clients feel comfortable knowing that they have experienced and knowledgeable management that can be called upon to deal with these situations with ease. Kingdom should congratulate Dennis Charlton and his staff for their efforts because without this commitment shown to the business company reputations would not be built.

“Congratulations Dennis to you and your team for a job well done. This was a great team effort all round which left a client feeling very satisfied and thankful to Kingdom for their role in dealing with a very serious situation that could have cost them hundreds of thousands of pounds in lost revenue.”

Kingdom provides a supervisor or site-managed commercial cleaning and maintenance services to show your company values in their very best light. They are committed to using the best people, technologies and products to provide a leaner, smarter and more connected organisation to enhance their own performance and provide you with results which you can measure and control.

Kingdom’s Cleaning Division provides basic, specialist, deep and reactive cleaning services to commercial, leisure, transport and public companies. They also offer waste management, janitorial service, hygiene supplies, landscaping, high pressure cleaning, kitchen and ductwork cleaning, graffiti and chewing gum removal.

To find out more about Kingdom’s Cleaning Division, please go to or click here to read their online brochure.

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