A much higher than anticipated number of guests attended the drop in centre at the site on Tuesday 10th March between 12noon and 5.30pm.
The session was open to all staff, management, maintenance, security and external shops (tenants).
Kingdom’s client and shopping centre General Manager, Chris Gibben, wrote to Kingdom’s Delroy McGee, saying:
“Just a note to thank you for the training session that you facilitated today. I have no doubt that the importance of the subject matter and recent media coverage provided the incentive for many to attend and I was particularly pleased with the turnout. I think that even more might have attended if their employers had given them the opportunity.
“Feedback from site employees was equally as positive, with everyone endorsing the training as being beneficial to their respective roles within the Centre and for safeguarding the wellbeing of occupants and visitors to Charter Walk.
“Again, my thanks to you for your time spent on site today and for putting together this well-received training package.”
From a basic retail officer door presence to a fully managed risk and loss prevention service, Kingdom is an established retail specialist with a dedicated retail division working in partnership with some of the biggest retail names to reduce shrinkage and provide a return on investment (ROI). Kingdom believes that reducing loss is a partnership effort and requires the need for a specialist company with quality people. To find out more about Kingdom’s retail security services, please visit http://www.kingdom.co.uk/services/retail-security/