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Oct 21, 2014

Kingdom improves website navigability

Kingdom's logoKingdom has made some changes to its website in order to make it easier for visitors to navigate.

A new “media” menu has been added to the site’s horizontal navigation bar which runs along the top of every page on the Kingdom website underneath the Kingdom logo, contact numbers and social media links.

Under this new media menu are four subcategories – news, video library, flipbook brochures and corporate social responsibility.

The news page houses Kingdom’s regular blogposts as before, but has been improved so that there are now only six items per page, and buttons linking to “older stories” and “newer stories” towards the bottom of the page allow visitors to easily access and read older blogposts.

The new video library page houses all of Kingdom’s videos, which previously were distributed around the site on the relevant service pages. Whilst they still remain on the relevant service pages, they can now also be watched all in one place.

The flipbook brochures were previously located in the profile menu, and are also still located on the relevant service pages, but all of them can now also be easily viewed in this location.

The corporate social responsibility page is completely new and displays Kingdom’s blogposts relevant to this area, highlighting what Kingdom is doing. Kingdom believes that it is crucial to their core business success to act responsibly as a business, with the highest social, environmental and ethical standards. Kingdom wants to achieve financial success, but also wants to create value for stakeholders – from shareholders to customers, employees to business partners, and society as a whole. Corporate responsibility informs everything Kingdom does, and is deeply embedded in Kingdom’s core company values. These values influence Kingdom’s approach to work and guides the way Kingdom treats their employees, their customers and grow their business.

Finally, some changes have been made to Kingdom’s contact page, making it simpler to use with content taking up less space. Kingdom’s locations have been split into Support Centres and Regional Offices, and clicking on these takes you straight to the map, with the driving directions box underneath.

To have a look at the changes, please visit the Kingdom website:

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