Kingdom has improved the job vacancies section of its website, making it more user friendly for anyone looking to apply for a job with Kingdom.
Changes include a new feature which allows job seekers to enter the first part of their postcode in order to search for vacancies which are nearest to them.
Next to each job vacancy location it will display approximately how far away from their location the job is.
Kingdom has also improved its functionality by presenting its job vacancies in a new tabular format.
Applicants can view a brief description, the location, the hours and the hourly pay or salary in the table, and then have an option to click a button in order to read more and apply.
Kingdom is one of the UK’s fastest growing companies and currently has employment opportunities throughout the UK. All Kingdom employees enjoy an impressive & comprehensive range of employee benefits.
Founded in 1993, Kingdom has become one of the largest privately owned companies in the UK within their areas of service expertise. For more information about Kingdom, click here to visit their website.