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May 23, 2014

Kingdom Clean launches new training system

clip_image001Kingdom’s Head of Development, Delroy McGee, and the Director of Kingdom Clean, Barrie Richards, have been working together to create a version of KingdomSHIELD specially for Kingdom’s cleaning personnel, which is now ready to be launched.

KingdomSHIELD is the e-learning training package available to all Kingdom staff and customers free of charge. This new version, which has been designed especially for Kingdom Clean personnel, will provide training modules in areas such as health & safety, fire prevention, emergency situations, and information on areas such as hazardous substances and cleaning standards.

Kingdom Clean deliver site managed commercial cleaning and maintenance services to commercial, leisure, transport and public companies. They offer basic, specialist, deep and reactive cleaning, as well as waste management, janitorial service, hygiene supplies, landscaping, high pressure cleaning, kitchen and ductwork cleaning, kitchen and ductwork cleaning, graffiti and chewing gum removal.

They are committed to using the best people, technologies and products to provide a leaner, smarter and more connected organisation to enhance your own performance and provide you with results which you can measure and control.

Kingdom Clean add value by taking a pro-active stance towards site cleanliness and tidiness. They also advise on ways to cut cost, what tasks can be reduced, what time of day is cheaper or how to reduce electricity consumption or CO2 emissions when cleaning. All their people are trained not just in cleaning techniques and technology, but also in Health and Safety, and the importance of environmental issues. This new version of KingdomSHIELD will play an important part in this ongoing training and will ensure that they are equipped with the very latest knowledge and expertise to provide their clients with the best possible professional service.

For more information about Kingdom Clean, click here to visit the Kingdom Clean website, or here to read their online Site Managed Commercial Cleaning & Maintenance Services brochure.

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