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Feb 26, 2014

Croydon Council extends Environmental Protection contract with Kingdom

Environmental ProtectionCroydon Council has engaged Kingdom for a second contract period until the end of June 2014. Kingdom has been providing an enhanced enforcement pilot project for Croydon Council, issuing Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) on behalf of the council for offences related to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and dog control orders.

The Director of Environment at Croydon Council said: “I acknowledge the successes of the partnership working between Kingdom Security Ltd and Croydon Council over the last 6 months and in particular your responsive, adaptive and flexible approach to this pilot has been an asset. I am also confident that the valuable lessons we have learnt during this partnership, specifically in the areas of administrative support, quality assurance of prosecution processes and required mindfulness of equalities groups when issuing FPNs, are being put into good practice to improve the service”.

The annual cost of cleaning UK streets has been estimated at £780million. We aim to make the UK cleaner, safer and greener. Our specialist Environmental team deliver 130,000+ hours per annum on behalf of Local Authorities across the UK. It is led by experts with an ex-police and military background.

We issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to offenders who are seen breaking the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in streets, parks and open spaces therefore successfully reducing anti-social behaviour. All evidence gathered is handled in accordance with DPA, RIPA, HRA, CPIA and PACE.

To find out more about Kingdom’s Environmental Protection services, please click here.

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