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Oct 29, 2013

Kingdom secures new guarding contract with client

EM Highway Services logoKingdom is delighted to announce that we have secured a new guarding contract with one of our existing clients.

EM Highway Services Limited have been a client of Kingdom Security since August 2010, when we started provided guarding services for the Blackwall Tunnel in East London. Kingdom will now be providing manned guarding services at their Tunnel Avenue site in Greenwich.

Formed in 2005, EM Highway Services is a dedicated highways maintenance and management provider, specialising in the delivery of road maintenance contracts. Previously known as EnterpriseMouchel, they are one of the most rapidly expanding network management companies in the highways industry. Their clients include the Highways Agency, Transport for London and several local authorities. Based in Manchester, they have offices and depots throughout the UK.

This latest contract is the sixth EM Highway Services site that Kingdom has provided manned guarding services for. We are delighted to be expanding the portfolio of work that we carry out for EM and to be continuing to develop the relationship which we have built with them over the last three years.  

Kingdom has been specialising in the risk, loss and protection of property, people and brand since 1993. Click here to read more about our security personnel services.

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