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Oct 10, 2013

MSDP holding free sign language taster sessions

MSDPNext week (14th – 19th October) is Sign Language Awareness Week.

To celebrate Sign Language Awareness Week, Merseyside Society for Deaf People (MSDP) are offering four free sign language taster sessions. Each session will be 2 hours long.

These will be held on Monday 14th October from 1.30pm – 3.30pm and 2.30pm – 4.30pm, and on Wednesday 16th October from 9.30am until 11.30am and from 10.30am until 12.30pm.

The free sessions will be held at MSDP, Queens Drive, West Derby, Liverpool, L13 0DJ.

Founded in 1864, MSDP aims to address the many barriers and inequalities experienced by deaf people. They seek to ensure that deaf people achieve a full, active and influencing role in mainstream society.

The aims of their free sign language taster sessions are to:

  • Learn how to communicate with a deaf person
  • Learn how to finger spell
  • Find out if you would like to join MSDP’s sign language classes and gain a qualification.

If you would like to attend one of the four free taster sessions, or would like more information, you can call 0151 230 4187 or email to book your place.

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