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Dec 17, 2009

Team Handbook Reminders

Breach of any of the below may result in disciplinary sanctions not excluding dismissal

SIA LICENCE: The SIA make many unannounced inspections to sites. You have a personal and legal responsibility to hold and display your SIA licence. If you have lost your licence please contact the Kingdom National Support Centre.

PATROLS: Your site log must show a true record of your physical site patrols. The number requested must be completed.

BOOKING ON: You are required to book on duty via your secure pin when you have arrived on site only.

LEAVING SITE: You are not authorised to leave your place of work e.g. to attend the local shop without informing the National Control Centre and receiving clearance.

LOG BOOK: The site log book is an official company document and must not be abused with personal drawings.

RINGING BACK: If you have been contacted by the National Support Centre you have a responsibility to ring back.

VISAS: Visas and work permits must be valid letters from the embassy confirming work in progress can be accepted provided they are within the 12 months duration – without a working visa it is illegal to work.

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