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Putting social value at the heart of professional cleaning operations

Written by Kingdom Cleaning | Mar 15, 2023 8:45:24 AM

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is no longer a buzzword that companies can use to boost their image, but a vital part of operations for businesses looking to stay relevant, and make a positive difference, in a rapidly changing world.

When it comes to the cleaning and hygiene sector, many companies are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to social value, with customers considering the entire social value chain when choosing their suppliers. In response to this, we are developing conscious cleaning strategies that focus on social, environmental, and ethical practices.

At Kingdom Cleaning, we firmly believe that there is more to cleaning than just creating hygienic spaces. We understand that our clients rely on us to deliver a first-rate standard of cleaning, but they also look to us to improve efficiencies and create great environments to work, rest, and play in. By taking a conscious approach, we want to support our clients in delivering against important social and environmental agendas.

Our ethos of "professional cleaning with a conscience" guides everything we do, from looking after our people (and yours!) to caring for the planet. One of the most important things we do to make things better for our employees is pay a fair wage. As a Living Wage Foundation Recognised Service Provider, we believe that those who are willing to work hard for their wages should be rewarded sufficiently to be able to live and enjoy life. We also place great importance on equality and last year became a member of Inclusive Companies, a network to support equality, diversity, and inclusivity. It encourages a working environment where the differences of each employee are recognized and valued. Training and development are other key commitments for us, making sure that our people can progress in their careers and learn new skills.

When it comes to sustainability, we only offer carbon-neutral cleaning and use environmentally friendly products. We work closely with a small and trusted network of partners and suppliers who are all committed to advancing social, environmental, and ethical standards.

By embracing sustainable business operations, we are showing our commitment to social value and the health and wellbeing of everything around us. In doing so, we hope to be positioning ourselves as a responsible partner for clients who are increasingly demanding shared morals.

We believe that we have an important role to play in shaping the way businesses work with partners. With customers placing increasing importance on social value, it is vital that cleaning companies embrace sustainable business operations and demonstrate their commitment to social, environmental, and ethical practices.

To find out more please get in touch.