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Sep 15, 2023

Residents Calling for 'Lazy' People to Stop Littering in Lincoln's Fly-Tipping Hotspot

Fly-tipping, the illegal dumping of waste and litter, has become a persistent issue across many areas of the UK and no much more so than beauty hotspot Lincoln, prompting residents to call for action against those they describe as "lazy" offenders.

Recent instances of fly-tipping in Lincoln have left residents frustrated and disappointed. Among the disturbing scenes witnessed are heaps of rubbish bags carelessly dumped beside a bus stop in Park Ward and a discarded shopping trolley left abandoned in South Common. These unsightly sights not only mar the city's appearance but also pose environmental and health hazards.

Data from the City of Lincoln Council paints a concerning picture. Park Ward, which encompasses the lower part of Lincoln High Street, South Common, and Sincil Bank, has emerged as the worst-hit area for fly-tipping in Lincoln during the 2021/2022 period. The council recorded a staggering 194 complaints, marking a significant increase from the 43 complaints received in the previous year (2020/2021).

Residents have not remained silent in the face of this issue. Will Walker, a 23-year-old resident, expressed his concerns about the area's growing litter problem. He cited examples of general waste, including dirty nappies, left on the side of the road, and noted that while more bins might help, it ultimately requires greater responsibility on the part of the community to combat this issue.


Clayton Mitchell, a 25-year-old from Bracebridge Heath, who frequents the Park Ward area, echoed the sentiment. He described the presence of broken glass, pizza boxes, and McDonald's wrappers, emphasizing the need for stronger measures to prevent littering. Mitchell stated that when people explore the town, they want to encounter a clean and pleasant environment, not one marred by litter.

Andrew Swan, a 61-year-old resident, held a more optimistic view, acknowledging that although issues persisted, they were not as severe in his opinion. However, he recognized that there was always room for improvement.

Park Ward representative and former Mayor, Councillor Chris Burke, shed light on some of the contributing factors to the problem. Limited hours at the local waste disposal facility and inadequate street lighting at night have played a role in the prevalence of fly-tipping. The council has taken steps to combat the issue by increasing the number of CCTV cameras and pursuing prosecutions when possible.


Councillor Burke emphasized the council's commitment to creating a better environment, highlighting significant investments in the ward, including residents' parking, one-way systems, and the Hermit Street development. He also commended the efforts of community-led litter pickers who collaborate with the council in the ongoing battle against illegal dumping, encouraging residents to report any incidents they witness to the city council.

The cry for a cleaner and more responsible Lincoln is resonating among its residents. Fly-tipping is not merely a cosmetic issue; it poses real threats to the environment and public health. The rise in complaints from Park Ward serves as a stark reminder that concerted efforts are needed to combat this problem. It's a collective responsibility to ensure that Lincoln remains a city of beauty and charm for generations to come. By reporting incidents, investing in proper waste disposal infrastructure, and fostering a culture of responsibility, residents and authorities can work hand-in-hand to curb the issue of fly-tipping in Lincoln.

Kingdom L A Support is a market leader in supporting local authorities in tackling litter. To find out how we can support your community with the ever growing environmental crime issues then please contact

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