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Mar 14, 2023

What Skills Do Bespoke Staffing Providers Look For When Hiring Registered Nurses?


Registered nurses play a vital role in providing high standards of healthcare to patients in different settings, including hospitals, care homes, and at home. In this article, we will explore some of the most important skills needed to be a registered nurse that are sought by staffing providers.


Must-Have Registered Nurse Skills Your Organisation Can’t Afford To Be Without:

Excellent Organisation

Nursing is a responsible profession in which a patient’s every need must be catered for. Often, several patients with different conditions require simultaneous care, so nursing staff must be highly organised to instinctively respond to their needs. Record-keeping, too, is an essential part of the role, to ensure that drug treatment regimens are observed, information is freely available to colleagues, and emerging issues are communicated to the team. Excellent organisation is essential and will allow the nurse to discharge the duties of the role more effectively.

Strong Communication

Nurses communicate with a range of people in different ways, including other medical professionals and patients’ families. The ability to communicate effectively is critical to safeguard patient care and ensure consistency at all stages of the treatment or recovery process. Sometimes, a registered nurse may need to support distressed patients or family members, so the ability to communicate clearly but compassionately is essential in challenging circumstances.

Critical Thinking

Nurses need to be able to act quickly and think on their feet when a problem arises. Critical thinking skills underpin effective patient treatment, as a doctor is not always available to make on-the-spot decisions. A nurse must possess the ability to quickly assess a situation, decide whether intervention from a specialist or senior practitioner is justified, and consider different solutions to put patient care and safety first. Problem-solving, analysis, and reasoning all form part of critical thinking, and the ideal registered nurse will have these skills in abundance.


Patient health can change suddenly and, sometimes, unexpectedly, so nurses must be observant and always focused on their patients. The slightest change in their condition must be acted upon swiftly, so a nurse’s ability to observe the condition of patients and any fluctuations in their state of health is critical in promoting positive outcomes and reducing pain and distress.

Contact Us For Reliable Staffing Solutions

At Kingdom Healthcare, we supply highly experienced and qualified nurses and domiciliary care services for a range of settings and situations.

To find out more or to discuss your staffing needs, please call us today on 0330 022 9422.

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Image Source: Canva

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