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Aug 09, 2023

Skills Needed To Be A Dog Handler In Your Local Community


Dog handlers play an important role as part of local authority support (LAS), keeping communities across the country safe for residents. A dog handler is a highly visible security officer who, in partnership with their animal, acts as a strong deterrent to antisocial behaviour and crime by maintaining a strong, unmissable presence.

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Becoming a security dog handler is a highly rewarding and enjoyable career, but what are the skills and experience that you need to effectively fulfil the requirements of the position?

What Are The Requirements For Becoming A Dog Handler?

Excellent Dog Handling Skills

Clearly, the ability to handle a large dog, such as a German Shepherd or Doberman Pinscher, is a prerequisite for the position! You’ll need to demonstrate consistency in your approach, as security dogs are highly trained: mixed messages can cause confusion and could result in the dog behaving unpredictably. Experience caring for dogs and a natural affinity with them will also prepare you for life working with them. Some members of the public may find a security dog alarming or frightening, so you should be able to provide reassurance to people of different ages, including children.

The Ability To Remain Calm

In stressful situations, it is essential that you can remain calm, for your own safety and to prevent your dog from becoming agitated or distressed. When faced with confrontational individuals, you must be able to maintain a level head and a balanced approach to the problem that avoids inflaming heightened tensions.

Physical Fitness

Dog handling security work is physically challenging, as you may need to undertake a lot of walking or running. You’ll spend a lot of time outdoors, possibly in inclement weather, so you should have the perseverance to continue working hard to achieve your personal goals and help to keep neighbourhoods safe with your dog close by.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is vital for all security officer roles, including dog handlers. You’ll be working face-to-face with members of the public, sometimes in challenging situations, so will need to be able to communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. Building a rapport with members of the community is essential, as this can deter antisocial behaviour and encourage people to provide intelligence about potential problems in the locality.

Contact Us For More Information About Our LAS Services

At Kingdom, we the UK’s most experienced and successful provider of support for local authorities, including the supply of highly trained and reliable dog handlers and security officers. To find out more about our services, please call us on 0330 022 9422 or send our team an enquiry.

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Image Source: Canva

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