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Jun 09, 2023

Three Cambridge residents prosecuted for fly tipping

Three Cambridge residents have been prosecuted for fly tipping their household waste in three separate prosecutions brought by Cambridge City Council at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.

Fly tipping is the illegal disposal of waste on land that doesn’t have a licence to accept it. This includes leaving rubbish next to a litter bin. Fly tipping is a criminal offence under section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


One of the offenders illegally disposed of a large cardboard boxes by litter bins in a communal space. He was ordered to pay a fine of £100, a contribution towards legal costs of £100 and a victim surcharge of £34. Another offender illegally disposed of black bags of household waste by litter bins on a recreation ground in 2022. Despite being offered a fixed penalty notice as an alternative to prosecution, the offender failed to pay the fine and the matter was referred to court. At court the offender explained that keeping on top of her household waste became too much for her and she thought the waste would be collected from being left next to the litter bins. She entered a guilty plea and was ordered to pay a fine of £400, a contribution towards legal costs of £100 and a victim surcharge of £34.

The final offender illegally disposed of a large volume of household waste – the equivalent to a transit van full of waste! They entered a guilty plea and was ordered to pay a fine of £402, investigation and legal costs of £617.50 and a victim surcharge of £161.

Cllr Rosy Moore, Executive Councillor for Climate Change, Environment and City Centre in Cambridge, said: “Our teams and volunteers work hard to keep our city clean and looking its best. So, it is very disheartening when some people choose to undo that hard work and fly tip their waste instead. Fly tipping is an environmental crime which really upsets local residents plus, it can pose a risk to pets and wildlife, whilst attracting pests and vermin. Also, a significant amount of money is spent by the council on cleaning up, which could be much better spent on delivering other services to benefit residents.


“Waste must be disposed of legally and responsibly – dumping your waste is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.”

At Kingdom L A Support we have a range of products and service to help tackle to epidemic that is fly tipping in the UK. We can offer on foot patrols of hot spot areas or AI CCTV to help monitor any problematic areas. To find out more please contact our Solutions Director John Roberts on

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