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Jun 07, 2021

What environmental support services are available to councils?

Environmental crime is something that is a priority for most local authorities. The European Commission defines environmental crime as “acts that breach environmental legislation and cause significant harm or risk to the environment and human health”. However, there is no universally agreed definition. What is certain however is that a lot of these issues fall to councils to resolve and prevent which can take a lot of time, man power and vital funds.

Environmental crime can also be extremely damaging to local communities and areas. Littering and fly-tipping can have devastating effects on local wildlife and eco systems while anti-social behaviour can cause stress and upset for entire communities as well as individuals. Tackling environmental crime is something that we all know is of upmost importance but what environmental support services are out there to help?

At Kingdom L A Support we have a number of environmental services that can support you as you fight environmental issues.


Officer Patrols

We can provide a wide range of environmental and anti-social behaviour patrols across the UK to support your local community.

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These patrols can be used to identify and act on the following:

  • ​Domestic side waste disposal
  • Duty of Care Notices (commercial)
  • Illegal distribution of free material
  • Littering, fly-tipping & alleyway dumping
  • Public space protection orders
  • Parking enforcement
  • Smoking in prohibited areas
  • Traveller liaison
  • Park Wardens and COVID Marshals

With our experience in tackling anti-social behaviour and working with the community, we can provide a Park and Open space warden service tailored to your needs from unlocking and locking including a border walk to make sure the boundary has not been breached, to engaging with the community to tackle anti-social behaviour and the miss use of the open spaces and play parks. In the last 12 months this service has expanded due to a demands from our existing customers and we are now able to offer COVID marshals to help with social distancing, business visits and to help the public and businesses stay within current regulations.

CCTV Systems

We can provide a wide range of CCTV, with Automatic Number Plate Recognition/Number Plate Recognition that can help you in identifying and tackling fly-tipping and littering from vehicles. This service has proven to act as a deterrent in hot spot fly tipping areas with one local authority seeing a 95% reduction in fly tips once our cameras were installed.

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Back Office Systems

Kingdom L A Support is able to offer your local authority a fully automated system that is able to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice and track each one until payment or prosecution, helping to provide a seamless and secure process. Our system is fully encrypted, updated in real time and customised to each authority’s needs.

All of the environmental support services that Kingdom L A Support offers can be adapted to suit any local authorities needs. We pride ourselves in being able to offer a personalised and professional service from cradle to grave and have a team of highly trained staff ready and waiting to help.

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you.


Related articles:

What impact does having enforcement officers make?

5 ways to stop fly tipping in your area.